Brettski – My Safety Engineer background made it difficult for me to follow your suggestion to:

Fire it up on the bench and knick a taut section of the cord. I'm hesitant on the belief that a cut that clean came from that fan. It would mean that it occurred in one quick, clean pass of one blade.
I do really enjoy bench tests, so.

I clamped the circulator to the bench and rigged up a temporary power connection to the motor. I tie-wrapped a section of the old underwater power cord in place so the prop would hit it at motor start-up. I figured the motor would stall and pop the internal breaker, before I had a chance to hit the disconnect.

Whack, it was a perfect cut in one or less revolution of the prop!

I couldn’t believe it, so I had a single iced Corona with a slice of lime to settle myself down.

Thanks for the tip on the lime. :p

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