Scrapes don't mean a whole lot this early. The bucks will stake their area. NOTHING really starts happening until the Mrs. says it's time! I have studied the Edwards Plateau (Sutton County) and So. Texas (Wilson, Medina and Frio Counties) for 40 years. As ewest stated, the Fall Equinox is a factor and I believe things 'heat' up a week or so AFTER the second full moon. This year most of Texas should see a peak rut earlier than normal. The Oct. 7 and Nov. 5 full moons tell me that I need to be active in the pasture Thanksgiving week. When I can smell a scrape at 20 steps I will observe it. I have seen 3-4 bucks use the same patience is a must for a viewing of the dominate buck. Our normal peak for areas mentioned is Dec. 5. Yes, factors such as buck-doe ratio, extreem dry or wet weather, and temps. play a role. All this rhetoric and a dollar may get one a DIET DEW!
My .02...we shall see.