Congratulations, Mark! My wife and I are working on our first (fingers crossed, it may be in the oven). By no means an MD, I took EMT courses and told my wife I would like to help deliver. I was politely turned down, go figure. I'll remember the dryer deal. Every once in a while, Erin will give me a comment about moving into town (we live on 80 acres, a mile and a half from our nearest neighbor, two ponds, and wildlife out the wazoo) and I remind her about how much fun the kids will have running around our little piece of paradise. She grew up walking down the street to the park, I grew up walking a half mile to the nearest pond (after getting permission)or fishing a nearby creek, or riding my horse, looking for a new place to fish.

Congrats again on the youngster. When does she get her own login on the site?
