Originally posted by Theo Gallus:
KC, you may have noted I've been one of the most vocal about not wanting GSH. But that is solely due to the fact that I wish to raise big BG & RES in my pond and do not want 1) GSH taking up biomass and 2) LMB filling up on GSH instead of thinning my BG.

I think GSH are great forage for LMB, especially in the Northern half of the country where some of the forage options that work well in the Southern tier of states aren't as attractive (TSF, for example). If I had decided I wanted to concentrate on big bass, I would currently be bemoaning the drop in my GSH numbers and trying to figure what plants/structure I needed to add to save them.
Completely understand. I like to have balance with good bass fishing. I was catching nice bluegill all weekend right along with the bass. Perhaps I should just harvest the hell out of the 8-13 inch bass and get a few grass carp to open the water up.