Originally posted by Greg Grimes:
KC, I too think you are stocking too many GC. Just keep in mind I doubt even 200 will make a major diff this year. They are best for cropping it off as it popsup. We try to time it early in the spring just b/f stuff starts to grow. In that case you can get good control with 4-5/ac or 40-50. remember to opay more and get 10-12 nch not 8-10 inch (expensvie bass snack).

Also you are a long haul from our "trout run" hopefully you can find some in IN since that is close by. I would strongly suggest stocking GShiners next spring prior to spawning and after you have removed some of the slot bass. I think you will get more bang for your buck b/c I know they are not cheap. What size you proposing to stock?

I understand if you already placed orders I hate it when folks cancel but that is my 2 cents. Good luck sounds like you're on the road to some good fishing in the future.
I haven't ordered anything yet, I was going to wait till it cooled down to do so but from what I'm gathering here it may be best to put the whole thing off until next spring. As for the milfoil and GC, I've read that they will eat it but they'll graze any alternative before hitting it. I also found some info that suggested my stocking rate of 6-8 per acre. If that is not the consensus here I'll think twice. I always side with results from practice instead of theory.

What about areation for my weed issues?

I'll be posting some pics in a few minutes.