Make sure what you have before dozing to much. See pg. 10 of George's second link for Sabalites sp. then see below.

Palm frond: 7 feet tall, almost 4 feet wide
Matrix: 8 feet tall, over 4 feet wide

This beautiful palm frond was discovered in the famous Green River fish beds of southwestern Wyoming. Fifty million years ago this area was a tropical forest surrounding a large lake, with huge palm trees, alligators and tropical birds.

The specimen includes custom built stands for either horizontal or vertical display. It is also engineered so that the stands can be removed and the palm can be attached directly to a wall. Restoration is less than 15%.

This palm is an outstanding decorator specimen and would make a wonderful addition to the decor of a corporate office or home!


ECONOMICALLY PRICED -- $1,000's LESS than comparable specimens!

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