Thanks everyone!!! Thats cool that you know about Ava... Most people say "Where the "H**L" is Ava?"
LOL It's also known for the Missouri Foxtrotter Headquarters. But I ride Tennessee Walkers LOL.

I have been to some of the Trout Farms here. RockBridge is the one I know the best, I was there one day and all these guys were fly fishing and couldn't catch any me being me I went out there with a bobber and some worms and caught 6 rainbows... everyone there said I wasn't gonna catch a thing using a bobber. They were laughing at me.. till I started pullin in the big ones. LOL Then they all started looking to find a bobber and worms!.. LOL Shows ya a gal CAN out fish the guys once in awhile. LMAO.

Meadowlark...thats neat that your grandparents lived here...small world...I'm out by Goodhope..ifn you know where that is.
And yeah we do need the rain..the pond has dropped about 4 ft since that pic was taken.

Thanks again,
