Originally posted by salth2ocowboy:
Running electric is not an option. .........There has got to be a way to pump water from a well with a gas pump,........
Here is the link I was remembering....


dont know if you're interested in air or not, but its a start. I didnt think the above device would work well, but I dont know a lot, its just something to research.

In my business we sample remote wells w/ gas or diesel engine compressors, or gas or diesel generators to power elec. compressors, and downhole pumps......There are lots of companies out there that have pneumatic and bladder type downhole pumps that run on compressed air and can pump from virtually any depth, the problem w/ many of these devices, w/out spending and arm and leg, is the limited volume you can pump. moving a lot of water aint cheap.

ok....does this seem like threadjacking Mr. McButterpants?....for my part its all in the spirit of trying to keep our babies full. BTW, Mr. McB.....even w/ low H2O, your pond still looks like a great slice of heaven.

GSF are people too!