Mr. Cowboy, like your name a lot if I hadnt said that before...i'd be real surprised if your trash pump works for long draws unless you have, or nearly have, artesian water. its more likely your trash pump will drawdown the water faster that it can recharge, and you'll run your pump dry. it wont lift more than 25 feet. the best thing to do (and i know its always about money) is to get yerself a submersible designed for the gpms and head of your new wells...the submersible usu. goes near bottom of well. every pump has a pumping curve, so its good to get one that can run and adjust to just under recharge capability of your wells, and you never go dry.

if you dont have elec. at well, some other PM here (sorry i forget his name) was looking at air devices to lift his well water....if i can find the thread, i'll provide a link over here.

your water well drilling prices are pretty good, comparable w/ only the lowest rates out here. you'll have to stretch the truth a tiny.....but tell your wife its a deal, cause if you lived in CA it would cost twice as much \:D

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