
I have a group of 30 volunteers ready to go! I wonder if the trees will remain upright by cementing the bases? I am looking for a source for the carpet roll tubes now. I have not seen any with a diameter greater than about 6". Were you able to find them in 12" diameter or do you use the smaller diameter tubes and just put the tree base in and provide a longer length of tube to hold more concrete? How many pounds of quickcrete do you think I need to use to sink and keep a 5' cedar Christmas tree on the bottom? I don't want them to move around when guys snag them when fishing.

In the past I have used wire and attached the base of the tree to a block of concrete. Over time I note that they end up laying on their side in the mud on the bottom.

I was thinking of grouping the trees in 10 tree groupings in shallow water (10') with immediate access to deep water slopes and drop offs. I have lots of hard mud points (devoid of hard wood) and some rocky islands (1' - 3' boulder rocks) that should be perfect spots to have tree structure on them to help attract and concentrate the bass plus add shelter for bluegill. I have a lot of water fluctuation in our 100 acre lake. Our lake has risen better than 10' in the last two weeks...amazing amount of rain we are getting now...still raining! Our lake rises on the average 3" for every inch of rain we get.

Thanks for your input...please tell me more on how I can do my Christmas tree project.
