Yeah. Considering we pulled out (or had on the line at least) 5 fish, none under 3 and one that was at least 6 pounds even at a conservative estimate, I think the fish population is very healthy. The parts of the lake that aren't within the property lines don't touch public property (save a utility easement under the power lines) so the potential for malevolent behavior should be very small.

I wouldn't really mind someone taking out a litte fish, as I'm mainly catch & release but know that some fish must be removed for management purposes.

And I'm still pondering some sort of porous barrier to allow the water to flow but contain the fish population - whether by natural means like dumpung good sized rocks, or man-made with chicken wire or some other screen.

Hopefully the NRCS guy can better evaluate the terrain and give me ideas about possibly reshaping the lake to draw it within the property lines. Or there's always the possibility of purchasing parcels of land and redrawing the property lines. Of course that depends on cooperation from the potential buyers.

I'm encouraged, but trying to not get too excited until the reports come back.