During a jaunt into south-central Wisconsin to look at another potential pond-property, as we motored with the broker between a couple of properties, we came by a wind farm of about a dozen towers. I had never seen it up close (let alone afar). They are awesome mega-structures. So is Sears Tower in Chicago. I wouldn't want to live where I would have to look at either one of them as long as I had a choice...MY choice.
So, what is going to happen to these wind farms if the U.S. re-establishes construction of more nuclear reactors? Is it possible nuclear power will become the hi volume electricity producer of choice? The US hit it's oil production peak in the 70's The mid-east is estimated to hit their peak within 30 years or less. How much coal is left and how long can we afford it's emission problems? Is natural gas the answer? What's left with the nuts to power the size of a society we will see in 2030? Is it nuclear, like it or not? And, if it is, will there really be any need for wind farms?