Theo reminds me that I need to clarify my own situation.

I live right next door to a big blue water tower. I'd estimate it's 150-200' tall, and maybe 150' in diameter. It's like a big egg that sits on 12 legs.

Basicially, I've grown up next to the thing from 9 years old. This was my parents house. I didn't live there for about 10 years after college. Then they moved and made me the "offer I couldn't refuse" to buy the house.

So I am desensitized. I mean this thing is right next to my house, maybe 200' way, with nothing in between.

As an example, my neighbor, who is a big model train enthusiast, had a real train caboose plopped down in his back yard. Most other neighbors were shocked and wanted to protest.

I thought WTF, what's another few tons of carbon steel laying around to me?

Now the rub.....What will all those things, water tower & caboose, mean when I sell?

Exactly the same questions that Buzz is asking.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."