I've found a fantastic pond/lake (~11 acres springfed on approximately 24 acres) for a good price and am about 95% sure I'm going to make a run at it.

There are signs (beer cans) of trespassing, but I believe a large part is due to negligence by the previous landowner. That concern isn't particularly unique to this particular property however.

A bigger concern is that the entire body of water is not contained within the property boundaries.


I believe the lower arm may be a water source, with the other two being covered up when the lake was built. So I'm not sure if cutting these arms off is possible/feasible.

I'm not as concerned with these areas being fished, as I like to release most of what I catch and wouldn't really mind should some of the neighbors want to take fish out of the areas that runs through their property. What does concern me is possible tainting of the water due to a variety of possibilities (dumping, intentional damage, etc).

Again, at the price, this is a very attractive property. Assuming all other due diligence is performed (dam checked out, survey, etc), should this be a dealbreaker for me?