I have gotten alot of advice on my pond on this forum. Today I dug several holes in my pond side and pond bottom. I have at least 18" of clay. I was very happy to discover that. I don't think my pond is leaking now and I don't think I will spend any money on bentonite. So that basically means my water was lost to evaporation and that cannot be fixed \:\( If someone knows how to solve that problem please tell me !!! I do know that I could plant some cedars around it to block some of the good Kansas wind, but would they drink more water than would evaporate due to wind??

I am going to contact my local NRCS office to get some ideas. Yesterday I buried some pipe from 2 of my downspouts and took them to the pond. So I will have rain water from my house and water from my water source heat pump going into the pond. I know people say pumping is not worth it, but how do you fight the evaporation factor? I see ponds all around here that keep their depth. Maybe I need to ask them if they are pumping.

Thanks for all the advice and I will let you know what more I find out.