Shorty yer killing me with those pics. The word is the black ones are sprouting around here. We had a lot of rain last weekend followed by high 60's/low 70's days so it should be time for them. I'm going to hunt a little more this weekend. My wife & kids are addicted to them too, we need to find alot so we don't fight over them.

Nothing I'd rather eat than fried morels. My favorite way of cooking them is to cut them in half, let em' soak in saltwater for a while, batter in flour, and fry. The best eatin' you'll ever have. (Although grilled venison tenderloin marinated in italian dressing w/onions comes close) Debra they're actually not mushrooms, they're fungi \:D

True story: When I was in 6th grade in Kentucky we picked a huge mess of morels one day on the farm. My parents gave me a plastic bag full of them to take to school to give to my best friend. (So he could take them home to his parents) He put them in his locker and forgot about them. He discovered the bag a month later, opened it, a horrific smell emanated from the decayed mush inside, and my friend promptly lost his lunch in front of the whole class \:D