Thank you very much, Bill, for responding. So far I have laid down five brush piles in various places along the banks of my pond and hope to get all sides of the pond done this month (it has six sides since it is L-shaped like a boot). They look like a bunch of limbs that have naturally fallen into the water extending out about 8 to 9 feet. I agree with you that they should be good places for my shiners and fry to hide. I will be making my wire mesh fence pilings in my garage this week and hope to get them into the pond, soon for added small fish refuge. I will follow your advice on the clsuter approach. Yes, they will be lure grabbers, but at least I know where they will be at and so will my invited guests. The uninvited may end up donating their lures to me. Seriously, though, I do want to have some areas for fish development as you mentioned and hope they will work. A $50.00 experiment
Thanks again!!