The pond ended up with 1.5" of rain from yesterday. Hopefully Bruce's place got just as much. ;\) I heard there were some torando warnings out by Nedocs west of here. There is more rain in the forecast for Saturday night. \:\)

I went fishing last night after work, caught 5 LMB standing in one spot with a spinner bait and missed another 6-7 bites standing in the same spot. Next time I will have a trailer hook on. There was a definate mud line in the pond along the north side, the pond was up 2-3 inches with lots of water still rolling in. Hopefully this muddy water will not have any significant consequences for the fish with the cold water algae bloom that we still going on. BTW, the wind that took down two of our big cedar trees also knocked over one the neighbors grain bins a 1/4 mile away.