I don't know how clean the floor was but I know there was a house full of us waiting for that 20 pounder. Whatchagonado?
Were you saying I wasn't a lady? I look like one, don't tell. Just kidding, only my best friends figured out what you got right off...
How about "worried sick" I have a new topic no one has responded to that I am worried sick about: 'bout adding too much aluminum sulfate. On top of that I let my peacocks out for the night and they ended up in different trees and are screaming a lot. Last night it was the dogs, tonight it is the dogs with him responding. One of my neighbors is prob. going to call me...something.
I thought of another saying: 'bout like to turn me on! I don't know why that cracks me up. My kids could crawl in a hole when I say that, who could blame them!
Anyway how about mosying over to my other post and advising and consoling me. If you succeed, then I'll only have the peafowl keeping me up all night!