Dwight, very possible. I only have the outside legs the bottom (8) and the center one weighted. I figured most of those would be on the bottom and be plugged from the clay bottom. With the center one cut down it allows the other eight to act as a stand with the center one as support so as the structure gets heavier it shouldnt bow.All of the horizontal holes and the 9 above them are open for water flow through.I dont think a lot of small fish will visit the inside tubes of this structure.( I may be wrong I hope they do) To promote faster coverage I do think webbing the mono line all over the horizontal and above tubes (17)will help attract plankton(fish hooks too) \:\) I wanted a weight system that would conform to the bottom as I will be lowering these in and want to be able to move them later if desired.If you wanted some of the bottom tubes open consider going to an 1/2 inch to 1 inch adapter and weight those 4 >1 inch legs instead,and cut perhaps 3 inches off of the 1/2 inch remaining ones for flow through,and that gives you the same weight and 4 more open tubes. I have added a lot of poly structure over the years that is a lot more dense than these so thought these were of interest when I saw Greg Grimes had them at the Ga meeting.I like my Xmas trees also just too much work for 2-3 years of structure and this year no safe ice for any period of time to put more of them on. Ice back off again for the 5th time in Ohio.