Sunil - here is more on the lottery rumors

On Monday morning, a Denver radio station played a trick on a local radio station and claimed the winner was from Colorado.

In the afternoon, national and local reporters flocked to Village Inn, 6555 O St., when a customer said he was buying lunch for everyone because he had won the lottery.

He gave Village Inn Manager Art Jimenez $2,000 as collateral, then dropped $1,000 at the store, Jimenez said. His bill totaled $553.48, and he left $1,000, with the difference as a tip.

The customer said he is an unemployed trucker who recently moved from Oregon to Omaha.

However, there were discrepancies in his story that he couldn’t explain.

He said he picked the winning numbers out of a self-help book, “The Attractor Factor: Five Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (Or Anything Else) from the Inside Out” by Joe Vitale.

He said he opened the book six times, and whatever page number came up was the number he picked.