Debra- thanks for the frog info. You did confirm alot of what I had heard in the past about bullfrogs. I do want to raise some for my pond. I have raised other types of frogs in the summer in my rainbarrels. I knew about having to have something for them to crawl onto when they got their final set of legs or they would drown. I always used small pieces of pine, very thin.I put them in when they got their legs & it worked quite qwell. These were not bullfrogs though. Tree frogs,peepers & toads.
I have 5 rain barrels all connected together to water my garden & flowers. One is a 150 gal. stainless steel tub about 4 ft in Dia. These are for the most part located in a shady area.Each year they get into these barrels & lay eggs & I have 100s of tadpoles. I dont understand of how they even get in them for they are 3-4 ft high When they develope enough to crawl onto the pieces of wood I release them into creeks & ponds except for the toads which I release in a field near my home. I would like to try this with bull frogs to release into my pond.I need tadpoles that will be developed into frogs by the end of summer for I drain the barrels in the winter. I understand that most bullfrog tadpoles take 2 yrs. to develope into frogs thats why I need some that will be developed by the end of one summer.
I went to your site but I need more info on cost ,shipping & when would be the right time in the spring to do this.
I too have noticed that over the years there are less & less bull frogs. Years ago I used to go giging each summer with friends & we could get all the big ones we wanted. Now it is rare to see any really big ones in my area. 100s of small frogs but no big ones anymore. It would be "oh so sweet" to raise 8-10 to maturity & release into my 1/2 acre pond.

Dan B