The really amazing thing about frogs is the virtually untapped market here in the US. Close to 95% of frog legs are imported from overseas. If someone had some upfront $, extra time, an indoor facility, and some patience, there is a high demand for raising frogs here in the States. Frog legs can bring up to $8.00 per lb, the pelts can sell for about $3.00-$5.00 a pop, and schools will pay from $15.00 to $20.00 per frog for biology classes. I could take up the added bandwidth that Lusk purchased talking about frogs. Don't leave out the "southern charm" that bullfrogs bring on a warm summer's evening. Frog farming is a GREAT idea for anyone close to retirement to consider. If any of you are at that point I am sure you are like my dad (can't imagine sitting around with time on his hands).
Can't say that I have ever eaten one myself though, sorry. But then again I stopped eating fresh water fish after about my 200th dissection. Hope I never have to dissect a crab or life would abruptly end.

Do fish actually kiss?