
A few weeks ago, I could see about a foot into the water. Now it's all muddy again, but the runoff has been pretty extreme. We had another inch of rain yesterday and we're expecting at least that much today, with more expected this week.


In January, we had 8 inches of rain in five days if I remember corectly and I was 8 1/2 inches from being full. Since then, the water level droped abotu an inch a week except for the rains we had that from time to time. Mostly it was a slow drop that had me down about a foot from my highest point.

Right now I'm at an all time high, so that's exiting. I keep thinking of Meadowlarks words about the special feeling I'll have the first time the water flows over the spillway. I'm really looking forward to that day!!!!

Of couse, I'm a little diferent then most, and the grass around the water has me more more exited then the water level. For me, the beauty of the lake is much more important then the fishablity of it. It's the same to make it fishable with lots of structure as not, so I went overboard on that part of it, but in the end, it's all about how it looks for me.

My favorite thing to do is take a walk around it. I love to see the trees and how everyting ties together and how amazing it all looks.

I have a six foot bush hog that I've used to mow it and my place, but Saturday I bought a used 7 foot finish mower that I'm looking forward to mowing around the shoreline and dam. Once I get the grass in, it will be allot easier to maintain with the finish mower.


Lake Marabou http://www.pondboss.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=139488&fpart=1

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.