
Your exactly right about getting lost. For the life of me, over the last year, I thought the lake was going to be long and thin. It's just what the trail felt like to me. I was totally blown away when I started clearing it and realized how wide and round it was!!!

My lazer is a Spectra L220 I think. Might be a L200. Anyway, I bought it used on Ebay for $100 after about six months of losing out on higher bidders. It's a kit that came with the lazer, tripod, detector and case. I had to buy a rod at Lowes for another $40.

The thing I liked about this is it's all in one case and very portable. Others I've used require several trips to get everything out and set up. I just grab it and go for a walk. Real easy.

To set it up, you have to align the bubble manually, but that's really easy and only takes a few seconds.

Range is around 500 feet in any direction and I believe it's within half a degree of accuracy at the extreme distances. With the detector, it daylight and brightness dont matter. On some cheap lazers that's a big deal.

I use it for foundations and pads mostly, but it's been great for determining the shorline and my dam height.


Lake Marabou

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.