
Sorry to hear your not feeling well. I've really enjoyed your jokes and look forward to more.

How about a true story?

My girlfriends son is five years old. At Sunday School, he started saying "Cock" over and over again. The teacher was very upset by this and called my girlfriends Mom, who is the music director, to come and take her Grandson out of class.

When asked where he heard that word, he replied "it isn't a bad word," but wouldn't say who told it to him.

Later, when he was home, she sat him down and asked him about that word and who told it to him. After a bit, he repeated that it wasn't a bad word, and finally said it's what you do with a gun. You "Cock" it.

We laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny at first.

Here's another one, the other day he farted. He laughed and said his "butt yawned."


Lake Marabou

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.