Originally posted by Sunil:
Thanks Deb.

I just heard some EVPs after doing a google search as you suggested.

Now I'm afraid to turn my stereo on, and I think my toaster oven just told me to "get out."
Actually EVP's are rather easy to get (sometimes). They don't come through your toaster, but do sometimes come through "white noise" on your TV, answering machine, or stereo. It is common belief (among the believers) that spirits use this white noise to aid in vocal manifistation. If someone does not believe in the parallel spirit realm I don't find them at fault. I do suggest they "try it" before they dismiss it, or at the very least don't condemn it without taking the leap first.
Sunil if you are REALLY interested in this just get a handheld analog recorder and microphone that extends out from the recorder (total cost of about $25.00 at WalMart). Put the recorder on the floor in a room with the microphone extended out. Ask a few questions outloud (you may feel silly at first), then leave the room. Come back about 30 minutes later, and you might be surprised at what you get. Ask things like "Is anyone here", "what is your name", ...
Warning though: You may not want to do this in your own home because you might not really want to know who is there. Cemetaries are good starting points not because dead folks live there, but because many people visit cemetaries (while still alive) to visit with their past friends and relatives. These are high places of energy and emotion. It is also a good idea to go out on a new moon. The darkness (versus a full moon) might actually aid you in seeing orbs, vortexes, or actual manifestations.
If you really want to get into it just call me or email me. I will help you however I can. It is really a neat experience. To date (knock on wood) I have not come across a hostile force. It is our team policy that if this does happen we will leave immediately and refer the case to a church.
Happy hunting!!!

Eric I have only been scared on one occasion. Everything else has been rather peaceful. The one time I got scared (or surprised really) was in the loft of an 19th century home at the Agrirama in Tifton. It was about 2:00 AM, and about 6 of the team members were sitting around on the floor just asking questions. I had investigated this home before and have (still do) always felt very comfortable there. Seven children out of fourteen had died there, but they were always playful with us (rocking chairs, moving stuff around, ...). I made the mistake of asking if one of them wanted to come sit by me (up in the loft). Less than a minute later I felt a small hand squeeze mine. Needless to say it startled me. Later on when we reviewed the video we had been taking, a noticeable vortex appeared next to me on the film right after I asked the question. Then you could see me jump side ways on the video (all in infrared). I was more embarrassed that I reacted that way than I was scared of the event.

Heck, ghosts are people too right! \:D

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