Ewest and Theo are too kind:
Brettski you could take charge of the funnies.....I nominate Brettski for Tirebiter of all things funny.
I am truly honored by your support and the smatter of applause, but I admittedly fall short of the required qualifications of such a highly revered position within the PB community. For every good yuk that I have mustered, there is a plethora of lead balloons stabled within the archives of this forum. Let's face it; Dr Burgermeister broke new medical therapeutic ground with his cyber-diagnosis of my ailment, Pointy Hat Syndrome (PHS). This disease in itself consumes much of my time as I am unable to fit my PC into the corner of the room. I think Donna, the boss, sums it up well: "Honey, your comic shtick comes off like it's surrounded by a thin, thin, thin 16 millimeter shell...and inside, it's delicious!" (Theo will understand ;\) )