Chandler, I rarely remove all of my line down to the spool. All of my reels have more line capacity than I really need so I just tie the new stuff on and keep going. I can't imagine catching anything big enough to take all but the last 10 ft. of line unless I was salt water fishing.

Go to and post your question. Lots of reel repair guys and collectors post there. They have schematics of most reels that may help you.

BTW, I contacted Shakespeare "Customer Service" a couple of years ago to complain about a poorly designed spinning reel that I bought at Wal Mart. I got a ho-hum response and tossed it in the trash. I no longer use their product. Like a lot of other companies, many reel companies have offshored their manufacturing to save a couple of pennies per unit at the cost of their reputation. Even Abu Garcia has reels made in China instead of Sweden. Reel repair pros will tell you that an awful lot of reels are now throwaways and aren't worth messing with. I buy and repair old Ambassadeurs from yard sales to pass down to my Grandsons. My feeling is that someday all reels will be made of Reynolds Wrap and I want them to understand qualty. Due to the price of parts, I can usually buy what I consider a temporary reel cheaper than I can repair a good one.

