Well folks, it's true. Our lovely home, stately Lusk Lodge on the shores of Lake Debbie is a pile of rubble. Burned to the ground. The Princess Debbie was home with grandson Nolan and daughter Ashley (home sick from school.) Debbie heard a loud pop near an upstairs window, saw smoke, quickly collected the children, called 911 and fled, then called me at the office. I rushed out there, beat the fire department. I thought they could save it, but it was not to be. We think it was electrical, nothing to do with our remodeling.
Here's a news link, for anyone who wants to read the story or watch news video.
Thanks for your prayers and continued prayers. We will assess, make a game plan and go at it again.
Are we disappointed? Sure, but everything happens for a reason. We won't be denied, it's not our nature. We will rebuild, on that site, right where it should be.
Here's the link.....
Family watches as Fire Destroys Home

Here's an interesting thing...8 fire departments responded, and they pumped water from the Lake Debbie, a 3/4 acre pond. The pond dropped 6 inches in three hours of pumping. That means they used approximately 125,000 gallons of water on the fire.
I counted 62 firefighters and twelve pieces of equipment.
They did an amazing job.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...