3 - 4 tons of thanks! I have just spoken with the power company guru regarding geothermal. His immediate response was "if you can afford the upfront price, it is the only way to go". He went on to add: the only programs available is a $500 rebate on the system...nothing on the power rates. In fact, the current rate of .08 per kwh is about to top out at .09 in 2006 due to an increase. His only reservation about an open loop was the possiblility of the well drying up (thanks, but kinda obvious to me). Past that, tho, there are geo heat systems in the county and he pointed me to HIS guru at the power company...I have yet to call him, but it's on my list. btw, regarding the well, during my search for this property, I pulled the state well records. The 3 closest wells are all within 2000 ft and reported tests of 15, 15, and 35 gpm for one hour. This is a good sign?