I think we are both learning alot here. Given the post you made above, we will need to adjust numbers previously given. We will most likely stock based on the 1/20 acre number you gave because the rain might not be as willing to help us here. What is the average rainfall in your neck of the woods? Of course I don't think anything is average anymore, especially the weather. Can you add water if needed? You might have mentioned this previously, but it would be lost in the threads right now.

Your to-do list:

1. Pray for rain. (I'm with you on that one)

2. Re-Measure after my contractor actually shows up (supposedly this week). Depending on where and how much dirt he needs, it may affect the overall dimensions. - This also might just slightly adjust water quality depending on the age of the pond and the amount of work you will have him do. Probably will not make a difference. Also make sure you have a decent slope, or shallow area, for the minnows.

3. Decide if the pond needs cover, it is basically bare. Should I add cover or let the HSB have a field day? - I see no need in cover. Stock the small HSB with the giants as their growth rate in the first year should be about the same. It's the size of the mouth not the size of the fish that we need to be focused on. HSB are also pellet trained, so they will eat the supplemental pellets and minnows until spring when they can go at baby GG's. If you do wish to add some cover then do it for the minnows.

4. Remove the big LMB. No problem. Do I need to whack the HBG? They are a few in there...think the LMB is taking care all but the big ones. - Whack everything!!! The biggest mistake people make is putting a hybrid bream in with another bluegill. They will cross and the test will not be accurate if any of those babies live. Once the contractor is finished, rotenone the pond and then apply potassium permangeanate a few days later to sterilze. If you have local access to the gambusia, you can add these about a week after the PP, which should fall in line about a week before I deliver.

5. Send water sample to Deb. - Call me at the office Monday 1-877-536-3474. I will be at the Expo Tuesday thru Thursday, but I want my name written all over the package so that nobody else does the test. Stephanie handles most of the water testing, so I will let her know that it is coming in for me to test on Friday. Also have it tested locally if it does not cost you much so we can compare.

* Please aerate the pond. Since you live away from the site (2 hours right?) and you will be following a intense feeding program, aeration will save your rump if DO levels crash or ammonia levels go up. I am still favoring the surface unit with microlift if needed, but we will see what Cody says also. I fear that if you do not get rain, your water levels will drop more, and a diffuser will not cause the proper circulation needed. Besides, if you do get to the 10 foot level, the fish will go to the site of the surface unit if they start to stress.

Depending on finances, you might now opt to start with a slightly larger GG since we will be reducing the quantity. Call me!


Do fish actually kiss?