Deb - That sentence of: Survivability of fish in deep water ponds with a surface aerator, during a thermal turnover or during other poor water quality condition, conditions or a COMBINATION of conditions will be dependant on numerous factors. This speaks volumes. One factor leads to another factor, that is dependant on two or three other factors and those factors are dependent on something else happening or not happening; and on and on. With knowledge one could easily write an essay on the topic. It summarizes what one would learn in a limnology class plus some additional practical experiences. The typical limnology class material does not involve examining the impacts of mechanical aeration. Impacts of the various forms of mechanical aeration would be topics of advanced limnologial studies or term papers usually reserved for upper level students. As a graduate student I wrote a limnology term paper about Hypolimnetic Aeration. As I now look back on that paper, it was pretty simplistic. I do not have the time available now to fully explain all the "it all depends" of that sentence. Sorry. A good course in Limnology will start to "shed some light" toward explaining it.

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