Originally posted by Brettski:
Now there is some trickle of water coming out of both of these, and it is rust color BUT NOT MUDDY.
Is this a clue to hydrolic activity within the dam mass (and perhaps the entire site)?
My experience is somewhat limited, but every pond leak I have seen, every single one, has that same rust colored residue present. Further, I have never seen a natural spring or any other source of ground water produce that same signature. This knowledge is how I distinguish between a pond leak and a natural non-pond source of water. In a pond leak, the water filters down through the dam and/or material...in a natural source of water, it is pushed up from below. Thus the difference...or at least my theory on the difference.

I don't claim this applies to anyone but myself and the area I am familiar with. I offer the comment only in hopes it adds to the discussion.