Just to chime in I might mention that I noticed very early on in my short pond experience that not a great percentage of my fish were getting feed from the feeder or in the area I might hand feed. I also wondered if that might create a bunch of welfare fish that got lazy around the feeding station. This might sound like heresy but my solution was to feed my fish all over. I have a path that goes 2/3 the way around my pond so each time I feed I walk the whole path and throw feed all along. This only works for hand feeding but I feel that at least I manage to get some feed into some of the fish that don't hang out near the feeder. I have many times experimented with feeding only at the feeding station first, wait until the fish are feeding hard, then go the rest of the way around and throw a little out. I find that no matter how many fish are feeding by the feeder there is still plenty that will feed everywhere else. I have observed fish in my pond travel about 50 feet to get to the food. So I think that if all you do is have one or two feeding stations, depending on pond size of course, you are probably only getting supplemental feed into a small number of fish.

Gotta get back to fishin!