Hello Bob,
I apologize if anything you have read here has been misinterpreted on your part as a sales-pitch. That is not my intent or even my job. We were invited to join this forum. In fact I can honestly say I had never even known of this site until I received that invitation. Now I am glad I am here, because I am already learning a lot from previous posts. Speaking of previous posts, I spent about 1 hour last night reading over past threads (some of which we were presented in a negative light). It only seems fair that we can express our views on what has worked for us over the past 40 years. You commented that you do not condone or recommend a wholesale stocking such as what we recommend. That is an opinion that I can respect, and if you wish for us to leave then so be it. But I believe others on this forum are interested in reading about other choices out there whether they agree with those choices our not. These “guys and gals who post to this site” (as you worded it) have not even once been asked to buy ANYTHING. In fact if you will reread the thread you will discover that I have merely answered questions that have been posted to me. Those who wish to buy can call directly. In fact customers who call into the office and speak directly with me will get our standard stocking rate ADJUSTED TO THE GOALS OF THE POND OWNER.

H20fwkiller- Boy you are a fun one (scrabble match anyone). I did not mean to offend you with that analogy and hope you did not take it personally, it is just the first analogy that I came up with. As for evolution v/s creation I believe in both as the days of creation follow the theory of evolution (but that subject is for another time). As for me trying to sway you on your opinion, I have just stated facts that I have seen work for others. Did I ask you to purchase anything? As for a different argument on the growth rates go to the thread under “Questions and Observations” that is titled “Found It! (Georgia Giant research) where it has been scientifically proven that the growth rate on the GG is 4x that of the standard bluegill (and that is with the bluegill consuming 2x the amount of feed)
I don’t believe anyone should trash another’s beliefs ever, because that is like telling someone that their opinion is wrong (we are a democracy). I do believe that we are entitled to agree to disagree with one another. That is another reason I would like to stay onboard with you all. I think we can all learn at least a little from one another!
Oh yeh, you asked if I was afraid! Not on your life sweetheart!

LBuck- I agree with your concept on the 2nd and 3rd opinions. I personally would not spend even $100.00 on any product without doing research. I also agree with you about a seller implying that their product is the only reasonable action. Everyone here knows that everyone’s pond is different. Every pond owner has specific goals. That said I will answer Bill’s question yesterday (sorry I am late on it) about growing a massive LMB on our plan. Not by far in my opinion. Our ponds are stocked for catching various fish of various sizes, but we specialize in growing the large GG. Our 1 to 5 ratio will not yield an angler’s dream LMB. Personally I would cut way back on the predators stocked. Maybe go with a 1 to 10 ratio, or even 1 to 15. I would most certainly stock minnows to help put weight on the bream. This would make them appear more like a rib eye that a cube steak, as far as the LMB see it. Please knock me upside the head if this still did not answer your question (I have strep throat or something with a fever that topped 103.1 last night and all these words are starting to blur).
Bobad- don’t run for cover; you are correct. There is a higher level of maintenance required on a pond stocked by our recommendations (most importantly O2, ammonia, and nitrogen). You can’t stock that heavy and only visit your pond once a month to throw out some pellet feed.

Back to LBuck- again you are correct, I don’t feel attacked necessarily (remember H20 man “I’m Not Afraid ;\) ). Someone does need to ask these questions. I only hope that Mr. Lusk will realize I’m not on a sales kick, and therefore allow us to remain onboard.


PS- Sunil it hasn’t been Holyoak speaking, it has been me. Yes I am an employee, but I am also a very stubborn and highly educated woman who stands behind her beliefs. Ken and I have come to blows on more than one occasion in regards to differences in opinion. This entire thread has been posted and answered by me. So please, if you do not want my opinion then do not ask for it. I want to help if it is needed, but I really want to learn also. And that my dear is spoken straight from the heart!!!

Do fish actually kiss?