Ah ain't leavin unles ah can tak ma women with me an ah dont want em to meet each other!

No problem now Dave! That sucker did it's little jig to the north and will fill the Mississippi and Alabama ponds now. Pity those unfortunates in the northeast quadrant; hopefully they ran. If people manage to avoid the surge of water from the gulf, there's usually little more than major inconvenience. Like no power, no AC, sometimes no water, down trees all over the place, roof shingles gone, etc. And worse than that, once you're gone, the authorities don't want to let you back in at a time when you're wanting to assess the damage to your property and begin repairs and cleanup. Of course, I can certainly understand their reluctance if there is no water because of the sanitation issues. There is no upside to these storms, but they're part of the package if a person's choice is to live down here.

I am profoundly impressed with the kindness of many on this forum. What a group!