Bob and all the PB family:

Thanks for the offer and support. Those of us around Jackson {Rlewis, me and JM} will be ok if a falling tree or power line dosen't get us . We may be with out power for some time though. I am concerened for Deaner as he is truly staring the monster dead in the eye. His county is under an ordered evacuation . I hope he got out to safety. Having been through Betsy and Camille at close range as ML says you just can't imagine it unless you live through the expierence.I went with my dad 3 days after Camille to Gulfport to take a truck of water and food. For miles inland no houses just the slabs. There was an ocean going ship , a big one that was pushed a mile + on shore by a 40 ft. estimated wave. The only place with power {on an emergency basis} after the storm was the morgue and it was a busy place unfortunately. ewest