Meadowlark, after I posted that, I knew I should have made a separate category for fly fishing. You guys are hard core about it!

fishinglth (sp?), so you like a little more of a challenge? I understand. It's interesting because so many of the people on this forum view their ponds as large aquariums. Some don't really ever fish their ponds.

But if you are the type of pond person who does enjoy fishing his or her pond, I think you're also enjoying the fact that you can see the labor of your efforts when you do catch a nice fish.

So, of those that do fish their ponds, maybe some do it for the enjoyment, sport, and challenge of the actual fishing, whereas maybe others do it as a way of first-hand sampling of their ponds.

Or heck, for any reasons whatsoever. I am just too lazy to do a lot of lure casting. But I also like the concept of the predator/prey relationship, and the natural aspect of it when you are fishing with shiners or crawdads.

I do want to start live-lining a few of the smaller crappies that I occasionally catch.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."