Bob :

Sorry for the delay. I misunderstood your 1st post. I thought you had no BG saved that they all died. If you have a forage base then many of my prior comments are not applicable. Based on your new post I am concerned about the stress level of your BG and LMB. It is tought on them to move them in the heat and often they die. DO and o2 are the same concept -- how much oxygen is in the water. There are many more qualified people on this site regarding areation than me.We need more input from them. See the post below which is a good example.;f=20;t=001851;f=11;t=000119

You need to have an idea of the number/weight of all the fish in the enclosure and its size and depth to see if it can carry the biomass and what to do to help-- feeding and areation etc. I suggest local professional help from your Game& Fish Dept. or a fisheries professional. With the gravitity of the situation and the need for on site assesment I do not want to guess and give bad info. I hope this helps. Do the fish look under stress ? Are they near the surface and gasping for air , if so you need to take steps now. ewest