
Thanks for the reply, you raise many good points, also, many more questions.

I don't even know how to check the o2 level. We just run the areator for 3 to 4 hrs in the morning and evening. Prior to moving the fish it ran 24 hr's for 3 days. Overkill, maybe, but we don't know any better. Because the water is only 5' deep, should it run longer?

We are not deep enough to prevent a fish kill from freeze over, yet. We need 8' of water, and if we get our normal fall rains we will be fine. I know it's a gamble but killing these fish was not an option. We have close to 300 acres of watershed, 3" of rain will fill that section of pond.

In the process of moving the LMB we did move hundreds of the BG's in the 4" to 5" range. I stopped counting the dead ones at 200, but it has slowed down, the dying that is. Fact of the matter is, we have no idea how many are in there. If I understand you right, putting in the CNBG mentioned above would hurt more then it would help.

We did our best to move the food chain, we didn't just move the bass only. But how does a man know if the fish are ok ? All of this should have been figured out first, but I just found this site, I hope it's not to late.

So do I not put any FHM in there come Friday ? Your right about the heat, water temps in the high 80's. I don't want to create a DO crash, that would be the death of me after all this work.

Anybody out there please feel free to chime in, I'm all ears and afraid time is of the essence.

Thanks for the response,