No worries Bill. I think I was correct. The flakes have what looked like pepper have gone away. I mowed the property today and spent some time at the feeder. Just sitting there watching the BG, FHM, Golden Shiners and maybe a YP or two hit the feed I kept seeing small glitter like flashes in the shallow water. I slowly approached, bent over to get up close to the water and those little silver flashes turned out to be 1/4" fry of some sort.

I'm thinking those little black spots were likely pushed by the wind/wave action from the spawn area and ended up close to shore where I just happened to see them. Pic attached of the black dots. I had to really zoom in to post the pics I uploaded before making them pretty hazy.

I'm going to assume this is what I was seeing a few days ago out of the larval stage and into fry. These guys are tiny at 1/4" max. Not going to try to identify species. From what we have in the pond golden shiners, FHM or BG could have spawned at this point. Happy to be a proud pond daddy to any of them!

Attached Images
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