The 2017 survey was done in the month of May, right before dark in the evening. They were weighing and measuring fish in the dark.

As far as common interests within a budget, I think the realistic goal is a pond where folks can catch healthy fish that pull some drag (13"-16" range fish) with a few in the 16"-19" range that pull a little harder and then the 19"-22" unicorns every now and then. Also, folks want to be able to keep our community fish fry tradition going with pulling fish from the pond.

As much as a few of us would like for the pond to more readily cough up 5lb to 8lb fish, that will not be realistic. Our pond is not out in the country or anything - we are a private, gated community located in an urban area. I am just happy that we are applying some management and funding towards the pond.

We are working on our plan for 2025 and will definitely incorporate some of the feedback from here.