[Linked Image] We're basically feeding from the middle of the pic on the far bank. Haven't tried a ring but it's a good suggestion. You are thinking it's more of a security thing than a time of day application? The pond is out in open range and seem to rarely get calm water on the pond.

We do have a cedar and a hedge in the water currently on opposing sides of the flat. At the drop off from the flat there's more habitat in the way of the DIY blocks/PVC and PVC trees in the deeper pool.

I was thinking that our 11am feeding time was just to bright and shifting to an earlier time would be better for the fish? Seems as though we are having some success with the late feeding and they get to go to sleep with a full belly.

Pic attached was when we were still on initial stages of filling. The blocks ended up getting grouped in packs of 3-4 each. The deeper water has 8-10 complex pvc trees in water currently 7' that will end up closer to 9-10' at full pool.

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