
I have no doubts that your fish are of the highest quality that have exhibit good growth and RW. But the fact remains that you are different from most supplier in that you focus on doing just that. But most don't. The problem is that you can't supply everyone. I wish that you could. A lot of folks are going to get less than optimum fingerlings. I didn't like the condition of the fingerlings either ,... AND ... I don't understand why the seller wouldn't tell him to wait until temps were warmer to stock them.

As factual as your comments were, there is nothing he can do about other than take care of what he has. No fish reaches it potential. Ketona Lake, which produced the world record, to fish >4 lbs and numerous >2 lbs without feeding, contained ordinary bluegill. At least according to the Alabama Wildlife folks. They could not get them to grow better than their own selected strains when tested in farm ponds. They had the potential for the pinnacle of greatness, but only in Ketona Lake.

I just don't want the OP to feel discouraged. In the end, he will have a great pond where the fish reach the potentials the environment of his pond (and his management) will allow. What will determine this mostly will be populations and available foods.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers