The Kansan Glaciation period occurred about 400,00 years ago and left a big swath west of Lincoln that is about 25 miles long (north-south) and 4 miles wide (east-west). This period resulted in very hilly and extremely rocky land that row-croppers didn't have any use for. Consequently cattle grazing has been the primary use of this land. Good news for Bruce is that the land was CHEAP! It's near the town of Denton which is 10 miles west of town and land prices in 1998 were a mere 1300/acre. It also happens to have good draws for dam building and dense clay soils that hold water quite well. We're a little arid (about 25 inches or precip./yr) but that's not all bad if you have a well.

What looks like a rectangular pond is actually two side by side. What appears to be sand is 45 mil liner. The ponds are named Firestone I and Firestone II and are growout ponds for HSB and BG mutant freaks.

The bluegill in the photo, I am proud to say is a fish that I caught last night. It is an age-2 fish that is 9.5 inches and weighed 460 grams (just over one pound) My wife took the picture right before we lit a campfire and made s'mores. She really didn't get why I was so happy but you all probably get it all too well. ;\)

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.