Originally Posted by jludwig
Originally Posted by bstone261

Sorry, missed your post.

I have not decided on size yet. I guess it would depend on what is available at the time, and the cost.
Goals are to have a good LMB and HSB fishing pond. Don't want catfish or anything else.

Would it be a concern to add the HSB a year after the LMB? Wouldn't they just be food for the LMB, ofcourse depending on the size of the HSB?

Can you define good in more detail? It is rather vague and everyone has a different understanding of good.

The bigger the fish the better, I would rather catch a few large bass then catch a bunch of small bass all day. What every HSB I pull out I would replace, but the LMB I plan on pulling out 40-60 lbs per year after two to three years from being stocked.