
No, it isn't valid. Essentially he is trying to discredit commentary based on ownership of a pond with crappie.

I have a question for you.

What are your thoughts on my arguments and analysis of the OP's own population proportions?

I ask this question because I reviewed considerably before replying with my analysis. I did worry little about how much abuse from Theo and Sunil will I have to take. To be sure, I didn't recommend stocking predators after the OP responded with population proportions and I worried you would be either offended by the disagreement or just peeved. To be sure, its a much easier path to avoid any disagreement. So I was presented with a dilemma, either present the analysis of his data, in his pond, OR meek out say nothing. I wanted to help the OP, so I didn't meek out and if not me ... then who else? If his data is good, then so was my analysis of his population structure and my restraint from recommending predators at this time is warranted. The advice I gave about harvesting was proportional to the catch and so would work with any carrying capacity of crappie.

I would just say, I do not mind disagreement. When someone disagrees, I stop and listen. When I read something in the literature that doesn't jive with what I currently think, I just have to understand why the author has come to those conclusions. It's one of the biggest drivers of expanding knowledge. Hey, I want to be a part of that. So I guess what I am saying, is that if you disagree with my analysis, you are welcome to explain why and make your arguments as where my analysis of the OPs data of his unique small lake is faulty. If you do that in a logically consistent way that I cannot disagree with, I will graciously change my mind and thank you. On the other hand, if the source of disagreement is that I don't own a pond with crappie, then all I can say is "Your analysis of the OPs population proportions is "none" or "zero" while your analysis of whether I own a pond with crappie is "spot on". I will just add, that if you were to take the OPs populations and worked with it to estimate biomass proportions ... I very much doubt that you would disagree.

Anyways, judging the validity of the analysis of a unique lake's unique crappie population proportions based on whether the analysis was done by someone owning a pond with crappie just doesn't make sense. If it did, the same would apply to every other poster recommending things. For example, one could ask "How many ponds with crappie have you corrected with the OPs crappie population structure by stocking tiger muskie at your recommended rates?" If you have, by all means provide the diligent metrics that demonstrate the cause and effect.

So I totally understand that you and Theo don't like me. The tone is very clear, not just to me, but I think to most everyone. I would say, I don't feel that way. I would much prefer to be friends with both of you. But I also understand that is totally up to you. Friends just accept each other as they are with what ever faults each may have. Anyways, the invitation is always open if you are ever a mind to.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers