
Yes I understand that large LMB target the optimal size of BG forage for them.

However, I think I am missing some step in the progression.

If the LMB are predominantly eating the 3-6" BG, then I would expect a very heavy population of 2-3" BG. You frequently provide excellent data on the feed consumption required to increase the size of LMB. Apply those principles you vividly describe to the BG.

What I don't understand is how the 2-3" BG increase in size? If there are thousands of them in the pond, I would expect that they quickly consume all of the forage that is "right sized" for them. How do the small BG find enough calories to increase their size to become large BG? Is the productivity of a fertile pond sufficient to create a large enough natural food chain to amply supply calories for each size cohort of forage fish?

I do not remember if Pat runs a fish feeder to supplement the growth rate of the BG. Is that the key step? If the small BG get commercial food supplementation, then they can readily turn into large BG?