My new 1/4 pond currently under construction, longtime dream of mine. 13.5 acre property, mostly wooded, no other water source (just lots of rain.) Current plan is to not stock till fall. Right now I'm studying PB threads relating to all things related, watching YT videos on the subject, etc. etc. So much to learn, not in a hurry, just want to enjoy the process. I've read that "the best fishing pond and the best swimming pond cannot co-exist," and that's fine. What I want is a "good" fishing pond (not focused on developing lunkers), and a fun swimming hole that visiting family/kids will enjoy. In other words: the best compromise I can achieve that hopefully will have reasonable mgmt. demands. Prefer to avoid feeding, so my goal is as close to self-sustaining as possible, understanding that periodic stocking will almost certainly be necessary.

(note: I have access on the property to unlimited structure: logs, boulders, large slabs of rock, etc.) I would appreciate any advice/guidance that all of you far more experienced pond owners can share with me, particularly on establishing a healthy food chain/ecosystem.